If the UK was so good, they would allow you to live there and not run away from your problems. If you are not careful, it can be a cruel existence whereby you work to live and you live to work. Hahaha I know this is an older comment but I just wanted to address the food thing for the benefit of more recent readers. "[19], A BBC TV documentary suggested that chav culture is an evolution of previous working-class youth subcultures associated with particular commercial clothing styles, such as mods, skinheads, and casuals. With a crime rate of 123.2 per 1,000 people, West Yorkshire is the most dangerous part of England. In general, the climate here is very mild and comfortable, no hurricanes, droughts or deep freezes. I also witnessed a significant rise in social tension, not to mention all the things you refer to, such as, very poor housing, extortionate prices and a general lowering living standards across the board. I am glad you did what is best for you. Our place as a locus of brilliance during the Industrial Revolution was unquestioned. Ever since I lived in mainland Europe (and you know, happy EU countries) we bought seasonal clothes and enjoyed 4 seasons. The one you get to see as an outsider and the one you experience once you are on the inside. We need visionaries such as Tony Benn. So what the fuck are you on about? I expected common decency, nice people, reasonable food , good housing, trustworthy politics and decent weather. Except the rain; everyone hates the rain haha. As others have pointed out, you are very much enjoying North Yorks, of the more wealthy and most socially and politically Conservative parts of the North and Britain. I contributed to this country well more than an average Brit who still believes is superior to me despite his qualifications being 4 GCSEs . we loved what we saw but the thing is that i feel Its not safe for us right know and Its messy with all this brexit thing. Thank you for your message. I think the major reason I want to leave (and I think my husband is feeling it, too)) is the amount of work you have to do to earn a normal living, even with professional skills, and the animosity that is spreading throughout the country. As a lower class Brit I can honestly say that I too am starting to feel unsafe here. Thanks for this article, but I'd like to add my experience to counterbalance a bit. Food for thought! Because they read too much of the Daily Mail and have come to believe that Mohammad who owns the corner shop and Sunita who works in the local Indian aren't law-abiding, hard-working citizens but terrorists, despite having lived here longer than some of us have been alive! As for Portugal and being Portuguese born, I can see that is now a fashionable place to go. It takes a lot of courage to recognize when it's time to move on. Sometimes it's nice to come back and see it all through the eyes of a spectator. James, how much did university education cost before 2010? I am seriously looking to emigrate, do a tour of Scotland first and then see what the rest of the world has to offer. To be a global citizen shouldn't be a bane of existence. Thank you so much for writing this. We actually find it so much cheaper living here than back home in Melbourne, Australia though. How crazy is that! A birth country that doesn't fully accept me because I speak different, act different, live differently than the majority. I think it's hypocritical. London is the 6th Most Michelin Starred city in the world, higher than Hong Kong or Barcelona. I have been to over 85 countries, so I have some context. I lived in so many countries and I tend to very sociable, open and tolerant. Public transport is expensive in the UK, but it is because our planning laws are tough and protect the delicate environment here and peoples wishes. No, I haven't experienced any racism here in North Yorkshire. Somehow strongly connected with the point above, there is the problem of the land management in the UK. I have lived all over the UK and when I first arrived, years ago, it was a different, more open place. Although, sometimes, we do miss having a good old pint with our mates :). Unfortunately despite all the UKs flaws he's reluctant to leave the UK and I myself am finding it hard to pin point the perfect location to move to. If everyone (irrespective of their country, race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, profession) treated each other with cruelty, then we've pretty much lost our humanity. This didn't stop me, though, I persevered until I got accepted. If allowed to succeed, immigrants will go above and beyond to prove themselves worthy of your acceptance. You can't compare Lisbon to London of course. Make it like in the past, the author says that the past was better. My immigrant NHS Nurse parents were proudly British, enjoyed good Grammar education for their daughter, good universities for both kids, homeowners in nice well to do market town etc. Anyway long story short because I could reference many examples of me seeing racism and ignorance, openly and behind closed doors from other people and my self included too and learning from my own mistakes and developing as a person because we don't always have positive influences in our lives and at times I have held points of view that I would be ashamed to think about now. Yes, Britain is home. You chose to live in the North, where it is colder and wetter. Loved my time in London (finished my law studies in Univ too), but i guess i have to depart and start looking to bigger gateway. Leave a comment below. Australia has its problems but at least its normal there. In my own experience though I have found the North to be a lot more racist than the South. Like yourself I came to Britain with the desire to live in a culture of educated gentlemen and a refined society but that is most definitely in the past and the current UK is a world's difference from it. Its beautiful countryside and theres good aspects to living here .. but the country sucks the life out of you eventually and you end up feeling grey and worn out just like the weather. In the 90's we managed to claw that back from the fascists and say as a society this is not who we are. Plus, all the great writers and scientists coming from here made me think the educational system would be wonderful. For the uninitiated, 'chav' is a (often derogatory) term for those young people who typically dress in tracksuit. I identify as immigrant as I'm British Naturalised and recently returned home from spending most of the last decade living overseas in Asia-Pac (Australia and Singapore). I was in Madeira when I saw the results for Brexit. Dear Emma, I am glad you found your way in the world. As a former UK resident, I understand your position. Perhaps a better question would . I got approached by a Greek man who had a PHD and wanted to try and find ways to use it in a commercial context and he wanted to work for us for free to get some experience. But most of all your pathetic comment is the type of bitter weasly crap typical of someone who is a real coward, and a disgusting affront to those who lost their lives in WWI and WWII, in the former many being just 16-18 years old, barely knowing what they were going into, before being torn to shreds for their country. Anyway, good luck How on earth can you say the roads in the Uk are well maintained????? The nationalistic movement in the western world is unacceptable and it is far too easy for politicians to get away with pointing the finger at easy scapegoats while they fuel their own selfish agenda with taxpayer money. But reallyREALLYunless you compare Britain to Scandinavian countries, I hope you do realise you live on a cold, wet island. We love ourselves enough to leave the place and never look back ;), Sarah, you are my hero! We're yet to find ours, and I hope you will find yours, wherever that may be. Anyway, I hope I have explained rationally that it's not as simple as how a lot of the press talks about Brexit :-). It feels like the majority of the population hate being alive, and the infamous make-do and stiff-upper-lip attitude gets to me. I understand and appreciate your opinions. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Vote for the party that helps people, understands and values human rights. Nobody likes the idea of having someone around who is totally different than what we are used to. We have something called tigaie picanta or spicy stir-fry and piperchi which is a spicy red pepper stew. Something that would not be possible in my home country (Germany) to that extend. One of the biggest differens that i saw are the streets, in England they are very clean, and in Chile you can finde a lot of garbage. Nobody is going to vote "leave" and nobody is going to vote for "Trump". I think we'd agree with just about every point you've raised about the UK. The prices are similar across all high-income countries across North Europe. The people are very filthy, rarely bathe nor brush their teeth. We lived there 40+ years. I wish more countries will adopt this! The thought of having to stay here for the next three years of my degree, then however long after that until I find an opportunity abroad and hopefully get sponsored - is killing me. What a load of rubbish. I'm privileged and lucky to have lived and have connections with 4 developed and attractive countries. I wish you good luck. The termites have eaten the soul of a beautiful country. Oh, don't believe the popular etymologies that you read sometimes in the press and on websites. How can a Dutch doctor steal Englishman's jobs if said Englishman simply isn't qualified (because of said class system) to even get to that level of education? In this groundbreaking investigation, Owen Jones . Cant wait, although I do appreciate that this country and working here has allowed me to be able to afford this move I dont want to continue into old age here! Where else will you find so much freedom of choice. I truly do hope you come back, just as much as I hope the UK I fell in love with as a boy returns with time. I miss how it made me feel. Cory, this was a brave and honest article, and it's good that there are brave people willing to stand up for human rights while many hide and do nothing. Many Hong Kongers went to Australia or Canada because both are seen as more economically and socially advanced - and yes, multicultural (the UK is a bore on diversity, go to South East Asia for that). Fantastic article. The quality of food in the store here is really really good and it's also very cheap compared to North Europe. I explain a bit more about why I want to move away here: http://www.anestingnomad.com/2016/07/i-want-to-emigrate-to-australia.html/ and the good news that I am (visa willing) about to move is here: http://www.anestingnomad.com/2016/12/my-big-news-is.html/. It is the immigrants who maintain Britain afloat, and it is because of the immigrants that we have good doctors, dedicated teachers and hard-working baristas in the local cafes. Portugal is the 4th safest country in Europe England used to be a nice place and I really wish we could do something to increase the safety rankings. Bigoted and biased review based on the views of an immigrant who has disgracefully described most British people as being racist simply because they do not like the organisation called the EU. Cultures are preserved. He also forgets the violence in India against minorities, abuse of women and so forth. I knew from day one, that a vote for out was going to win. Nevertheless, I wanted to tell the world what is going on and why we honestly wanted to leave the country. Violent, dirty cities. I came from Italy to do my bachelor and master degree, not because of lack of an excellent (albeit very bureaucracy reliant) university system in my country. Maybe capitalism has encouraged too much greed? To my mind, Britain is the biggest dump in Europe. I'm excited for something new and a place that's easier to travel solo in. -Cuisine- LOL. I would probably live there for a few years, but ultimately, would need a bit more sunshine. I cannot tell you if Romania is better, or the UK, or any other country for that matter. Yet, almost 9 Million (!) Pity really, the UK used to be OK. I'm really sorry as a Brit that you had negative experiences of racism, especially as someone who clearly learnt the language and integrated into the country. You may be from Scotland Wales or Northern Ireland which would make your question laughable. The one that had the vote or the ones that didnt get the chance? It's just crap and I don't want to live under those conditions. If you can, and open your eyes and hearts, there are some truly beautiful in heart brits around you. If you are willing to do it, you are better than the rest and are happy with the salary, then the job is yours. Safety: the UK has one of the lowest homicide rates in the entire world The global peace index is NOT a good representation of safety, it takes a lot of other factors into account, for instance, the fact that the UK has atomic bombs and most other countries don't. [1] "Chavette" is a related term referring to female chavs, and the adjectives "chavvy", "chavvish", and "chavtastic" are used to describe things associated with chavs, such as fashion, slang, etc. I can probably tell you something fantastic about a lot of them. I would love to study in Britain, especially in Bristol ! "The great educated gentleman is obsolete and the fine lady is on a verge of collapse. " People today in Britain are upset at the uncontrolled immigration. :). Andy: The word 'chav' was in the news again last year following the England riots during an interview on Newsnight when David Starkey said that a substantial section of chavs had become black in terms of the culture they adopt and the way they speak and he got in quite a lot of trouble for saying it. It took me years of hard work before I could even begin my application as a British citizen. We have numerous pastries with fillings going from cheese to spinach (like the Greeks, yes!) [23] Some argue that it amounts to simple snobbery and elitism. She has visited hundreds of destinations and has lived in 7 different countries. High standards, high expectations, high quality living. I came back due to family, but Im itching to get the hell out of here and go travelling again, and head back to Australia. I know some will agree, whilst others won't. It's very hard to leave! History is clear on how this works. That so many immigrants come to the UKcomplain about itgo country hopping and then come back, says a lot about Britain, British culture.. and those people. It is no wonder people feel miserable. xx Morgan. Could it be because England is not a good place to live? You see, all these were just normal things in the UK. No one here believes me when I tell them! So the big thing I'm thinking about is with the meteoric rise or location independent working opportunities over the last 5 to 10 years and the growing unattractiveness of British society what kind of impact is this going to have on the skills based economy of Britain over the next 10 to 20 years? Sure there are a few who give a bad name to people coming here to live, a few who are just in it for the benefits. It feels to me that you voted Brexit because you don't want more British nationals to come to Europe and not because you had the UK's interest at heart. We contribute more to the country than many others. Alas, we did it! Newbiggin is a small fishing village in Northumberland North East, crawling with dressing gown wearing teenage mums, underage smokers and drinkers, and loud rowdy locals! I would have thought it's exaggerated, bitter and mean. The class system, the monopoly that the Royals hold and their ongoing theft of taxpayer funds while supported by the House of Frauds and their PR machine have destroyed the soul of the UK. According to CWJobs the average salary for Professional jobs in London is 52,500. Great read, I stayed for a year in the UK and like reading your honest perspective on things after 10 years. Im glad you are happy in North Yorkshire, its a lovely part of the country. It is people like you, with no allegiance or true connection with the UK, in other words pure economic migrants, nothing more, that are bring this country to its knees and have made it an awful place to live. We are now in Portugal and we miss the prices for groceries in the UK BUT with everything, life is still such much cheaper here. I live in Norfolk, so I cannot agree with the rain problem (we occasionally have drought issues here) but otherwise I think you have touched upon all the issue that I cannot come to terms with. They're some of the most hard-working, dedicated people I've ever worked with who will do ANYTHING to earn a decent, honest living. I know Australia is very expensive, and I am glad to hear the UK has better prices. We're fed up with the extortionate rents for crappy flats, awful food (although the British think they have the best cuisine in the world now, but then, they think they're the best at everything), Brexit animosity towards foreigners, holier than thou, superior attitude, poor social rights for citizens (British retirees get the worst pension in Europe), expensive schools, expensive everything, really stupid TV, bad weather and the list goes on. Any suggestions, we love the beach/city life but don't want to be too remote, so I think somewhere like Australia would be out as its hours of driving to get to another town or hours on a plane to get to another country. However, times are changing indeed. The UK hasn't had to pay for their education and they are not responsible for them until they become Brits. This worked up to a point! 23 ] some argue that it amounts to simple snobbery and elitism some truly beautiful in heart brits around.! 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